Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm gearing up for a cleanse that I'll be starting this weekend. And it couldn't come at a better time. There's been so much going on this summer with out of town weddings and lots of in town guests. I'm ready to slow down my social life and take some time to refocus my energy. Back to the basics: simple eating, simple pleasures!

In addition to cleaning up my diet (by which I mean taking out refined sugar, meat, yeast, and alcohol) I will be taking some supplements to remove toxins from my body. But the part I'm most excited about is the list of nourishing activities that I've come up with so far. I plan on going to bed by 10 during the week and then waking up a half an hour early to meditate. Less TV watching, more journaling. Bubble baths, face masks, foot soaks, tea time, reading, and shopping at the farmers market are all on the agenda.

After months of working my plans to fit the needs of others, I'm looking forward to a month of my own agenda. I can make dates or weekend trips...if I want. But I am allowing myself to completely indulge in relaxing and rejuvenating, only choosing to do those activities that heal and inspire and nourish me.

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